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Qpredict Version 3

Version 3 of Qpredict - as well as offering the ability to model task volumes, timings and allocation to job roles Qpredict now includes exciting new functionality to help model non-staff cost and profile your workload from monthly down to hourly slots.

Qpredict Version 3

Version 3 of Qpredict provides significant new functionality as follows:

  1. Cost modelling - allows you to record and model variable and fixed non-staff costs to give a complete view of all costs of your organisation down to a specific operational unit, examples of use include:
    • quickly determining the impact of price rises on variable costs such as utilities
    • understanding the impact on recharge costs, of adding resources, such as PC's,
    • allowing 'what if' analysis on non-staff variable costs when looking at things such as opening hours (e.g. what are the likely reduction in electricity costs).
    • modelling the cost implications of changes to physical infrastructure (e.g. reduction of square footage on lease costs)
    • measure costs linked to specific tasks (e.g. postage costs for sending letters)
  2. Resource profiling - staff resources are not always required on a equal basis throughout the year, so this functionality allows you to profile a task (down to operational unit level if required) over various time periods from specific months, down to hourly slots; examples of use include:
    • quick profile generation as the system assumes an even spread of work unless specified otherwise (e.g. if you specify that 80% of a task is carried out in March the system assumes that the remaining 20% is spread equally across the remaining 11 months.
    • allows monthly, weekly, daily and hourly profiling using a simple user interface to reduce input time
    • reports show FTE's required for a specific time period by task and role for each operational unit (e.g. you need 2.5 Assistants and 2 Volunteers between 1pm - 2pm every Friday during August).
  • Qpredict V3 image